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Resources for Additional Help
This Page was contributed by:
Jeff K. Seitelman, M.D., PH.D
Board Certified Adult/Adolescent/Child Psychiatrist
310 799-1414
There are a number of different Health and Mental Health specialists with whom we are associated, consult with, and refer patients/clients and their families when in need.
These include:
Pediatricians: Physicians who specialize in child and adolescent medical care. If your child does not already have a Pediatrician, we will be happy to give you the names of several highly reputed and caring Pediatricians in your neighborhood.American Board of Pediatrics
Family Physicians: Physicians who generalize in the medical care of all members of a family, including children, teens, adults and elders. American Academy of Family Physicians

General Internists: Physicians who specialize in the medical care and health of adults. American Medical Association
Neurologists and Pediatric Neurologists: Physicians who specialize in the functioning and health of the brain and nervous system. If we feel that you or your child needs further specialized evaluation or treatment, we can help you and your physician find an exceptional Neurologist with whom we’ve had contact. American Neurological Association
Otorhinolaryngologists (ENT or Ear Nose and Throat): Physicians who specialize in disorders in the area of the head and neck. If we have concern that a problem has a physical basis (e.g., structural, related illness) in the throat, nose, or ears, or if these areas need evaluation, we will be happy to work with you and your physician to get you an excellent referral. American Society for Otorhinolaryngologists

Among the mental health experts with whom we work include:
Psychiatrists: These Physicians (M.D.) have completed Medical School and a four-year residency in the evaluation/treatment of various emotional/mental symptoms and conditions. They are able to prescribe medications for such disorders as ADHD, Depression, Panic and Aggressive Behavior states. They also perform evaluations to determine whether a physical condition or illness is contributing to you or your child’s speech and language concerns. In extreme cases, Psychiatrists, have access to specialized hospitals for the care and treatment of behavioral disorders. Most Psychiatrists have some training in later adolescent care through elderly adult concerns. Many also have extensive training in family and individual psychotherapy. American Psychiatric Association
Child Psychiatrists: These Psychiatrists have had at least two additional years of training, and experience in evaluating and treating children of all age groups. These can include, infants, toddlers, school-age children, pre-teens, and teenagers, as well as their families and their parents’ emotional, thinking and behavioral problems. American Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
Psychologists: Clinical Psychologists have completed a Ph.D. or a Psy. D., (meaning five or more years after college), studying human behavior, working on research projects, and learning different forms of therapy. In addition, they usually have three additional Clinical Training years that are required and supervised to learn clinical treatments. Psychologists are experts with various evaluation instruments, commonly called “Psychological Tests”, for evaluating emotional, neurological, behavioral or other contributions to speech and language (and other disorders). Some Psychologists, called “Neuropsychologists” evaluate the physical brain problems that may affect children and adults. Many Psychologists are experts in Family or Group therapies for emotional disorders.
Clinical Psychologists have taken additional time to train and study the disorders and treatment of children, pre-teens, teens, their families and parents. American Psychological Association
Marriage and Family Counselors: (MFCCs): have a Master’s degree in Psychology and an additional one and a half years of clinical training. Many are very knowledgeable in individual and family counseling. Also, some counselors perform a variety of testing procedures. American Counseling Association
Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW): These professionals have a Master Degree in Social Work (MSW), usually three years post-undergraduate degree, and a full two years of Clinical experience. These therapists are also available for evaluation and treatment of children, teenagers, their families and parents. Clinical Social Federation
Educational Psychologists (Ed. D. or Ph. D. in educational Psychology): These specialists have Doctoral level training in the assessment/evaluation, treatment, and educational planning for children, teens, and adults with learning disorders, physical or neurological/brain disorders contributing to learning problems and families struggling to cope with such problems, pertaining to the school and educational system. They perform testing, often of a more specialized nature, to help your children’s teachers and tutors (and the school) come up with a better, more comprehensive IEP and to accentuate or use your child’s strengths. California Association of Educational Psychologist
Psychotherapist: This general term can be used to describe any of the above disciplines.
Family Therapist: Any Psychotherapist with additional training and experience in treating families in a mixture of individual and conjoint (together) sessions, to help with better communication skills, emotional expression and honesty, and coping skills. The Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
Therapist: See Psychotherapist.
Counseling: Originally, this term was used to describe the interaction with a professional in which specific advice and goals were set. These days it represents an alternate form of brief therapy with specific goals in mind. The Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
In addition to physicians and mental health professionals, we have placed audiology in this section. Audiologists frequently work with physicians (as well as speech pathologists) to assist in issues related to the ear and it’s functioning.
Audiologist: A non-medical professional specializing in the evaluation, identification and habilitation or rehabilitation of hearing loss. Audiologists have a Master’s Degree or Doctorate from an accredited college or university, and are typically certified by the American Speech and Hearing Association. Audiologists test the hearing of a wide range of individuals from infancy to the geriatric populations. They are trained in a number of skills related to hearing problems including, but not limited to, counseling and aural rehabilitation, diagnoses of a number of auditory impairments and dysfunctions (including CAPD), assessment for and fitting of hearing aids, and the assessment for assistive listening devices. Audiologists work collaboratively with the primary care physician and ENT or ear surgeon in determining appropriate recommendations for hearing healthcare.