Getting educated and keeping up-to-date
We recommend that parents and/or family members should educate themselves regarding their child’s speech and/or language impairment(s) before seeking treatment. This may cause some anxiety since you will naturally be interested in getting help right away. In fact, all the experts will tell you that this is very important. The two requirements of getting educated and selecting and enrolling your child in treatment are not in conflict.

The Internet
The Internet is the very best place to begin your search. If you don’t have a computer, you can go to a private company that provides them for an hourly fee. You can also go to a local library or school and ask for help.
This Website provides help in this area as well. In other sections, many links are provided to specialty areas. Understanding Speech and Language Impairments, will cover the most commonly occurring conditions that we’ve encountered at our clinic.
Additionally, we provide computers in our lobby that can be used at no cost for patients or for those looking for services.
Below is a search engine called GOOGLE

In addition to the many articles available on the net, there are also online medical libraries and bookstores. If you prefer, you may just want to search in your local public library.
Learning about your child’s specific difficulties is very simple. Frequently, the evaluation agency will be able to provide handouts on the subject. These professionals will also provide a consultation meeting with you when they give you the results of the evaluation.
There will be a virtual blizzard of new terms with which you will be confronted. It could be difficult to find definitions for these speech and language related terms in other sources, so we have provided a Glossary section for your convenience. It is set up alphabetically. We are constantly updating this Glossary, so if you don’t find the term you are looking for, please let us know and we will add it along with its definition.
Now, armed with knowledge, you are ready to begin selecting a treatment agency, ALMOST!
We will address one of the most important issues in our next section payment options.